Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday May 31, 2008

Not every basket had exactly the same thing this week. You may have one or more of these things listed below.

Mixed Lettuce - Buttercrunch, mustard, spinach, a little of this, a little of that. Add your favorite dressing and eat up!

Broccoli - Try this with your broccoli - heat your oven to 400 degrees and grease a baking sheet with a spray or light shortening. (I save butter wrappers for this sort of thing) Cut the broccoli up into bite size florets and lay them out on the baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with salt - real lightly. Put the broccoli in the oven for about 7 minutes. When the broccoli is bright green and the tips are just beginning to turn, it's ready. Enjoy!

Chives - Try chopping them and adding them to your eggs this week. If you don't eat eggs, you can also eat them in your salad. Or you can add a chef;s touch to broiled chicken by sprinkling them on top just before you serve it.

Onions - Red and white bunching onions - You know what to do with those, don't you? Use them in salads, burgers, roasts, etc.

Assorted Herbs - Sage, Basil, & Parsley

basil & sage

A Note on Brussel Sprouts. They are coming along nicely and will not be ready until late summer or early fall. The taste is best after the first light frost, but honestly I'll pick them when they are small which is in my opinion when they are the best tasting.

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